47th Athens Film Festival


There are five telecommunication network providers in Ghana. Four out of the five telecommunication network provides does not only provide an enabling environment for friends, family, and business partners to communicate through their mobile phones but also serve the Ghanaian Community with a cashless money transfer.

Problem Statement

These telecommunication network providers have equipped their clients with a customized digital wallet which allows business transaction within a chosen telecommunication network.

From this perspective, a customer on a network A is not allowed to transfer money to a customer on network B by the local telecommunication network providers. Mobile money transfer is run on USSD code method.

Research and Analysis

In order to gain insights from participants of study, field work was conducted to further understand Ghanaians pressing need of a digital wallet that supports across network money transfer.

Further studies on the existing systems provided by the various telecommunication network providers also served as a source of knowledge and inspiration for further ideation.

Generative  Ideation

The objective of this section was to clearly examine the research work pertaining to the functionalities of the existing mode of money transfer, its challenges, and how to effectively align it to the core objective of the application.

Visual Design

Team collaboration, design thinking and creative judgment was adopted to interview, sketch, research and refine the idea into a perfect business need while staying inspired. User centered and Iterative design process was used as a guide to know the users, minimize memorizations, optimize operations and make the user interface consistent from kickoff through development to lunch.

Team Members

Bright Antwi-Boasiako - Lead Researcher
Daniel Felbah - Developer
Daniel A. Opoku - Designer

My Role: Lead product researcher, Interaction and UI Designer

My Team : 4 field researchers, 2 Developers

My Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Microsoft Visio

Duration: 12 Weeks

As a left-handed person, I had to overcome the difficulty of writing with a straight pen from left to right. In the process of writing from left to right, Lefties do not adequately see their writing progress as all right-handed people do. And yet few left-handed kids are given the opportunity to double practice with a tool that was designed with them not in mind.

In this ethnographic typographical research, I explore the predominantly "backward slant" in most lefties handwriting and further reimagine what a comma could have been like if it was designed by a leftie.

Graduate Class: Typography

Project Advisor: Prof. Don Adleta

My Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Fontographer

Duration: 8 weeks

As a left-handed person, I had to overcome the difficulty of writing with a straight pen from left to right. In the process of writing from left to right, Lefties do not adequately see their writing progress as all right-handed people do. And yet, few left-handed kids are given the opportunity to double practice with a tool that was designed with them not in mind.
In this ethnographic typographical research, I explore the predominantly "backward slant" in most lefties handwriting and further propose what a comma could have been like if it was designed by a leftie.

I was surprised by the generated outcomes. Complex visual essays that were erupting from Adinkra, African dance, and abstract masks.If I had not worked in isolation, I would not have produced these visual essays that have no external influence whatsoever. This project taught me the power of intuition, self-listening, and self-questioning. I believe professor Don is aware of the delicacy of this assignment. Probably, that is why he gave it out on Thursday and expected it done before class on Monday.

Artists and Designers are required to pay attention to details. For example, a typographic error could alter meaning and create a negative response. The initial task of this lesson was to encourage students to examine details. Their drawings were challenged by their own assumptions, and improve critical thinking regarding their own process. Students examined how light sources affect the perceived shape and form of natural objects.


Experimental drawing using ballpoint pen as the primary tool, natural object that the student finds it interesting was drawn separately on 18” x 11” bond sheet in the following imagined states:
1.    Stretched
2.    Compressed
3.    ExplodedFor the purpose of our class, different seashells were provided for students to choose from and experiment with.
The class  concluded with critique and reflection

The ideographic representation of wise sayings, philosophies, beliefs, values, and historical events of the Akan people in Ghana was suppressed during the colonial era because of what it is not; phonetic.The construction of this device from its flat state to a complete structure reveals a six-page book of Adinkra symbols, telling a story of a survived culture.

The ongoing research to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics makes it relevant to study ideographic writing systems!

A central wellness portfolio that simplifies virtual doctor’s appointments, provides easy access to medical laboratories and medical records

Lead Product Designer
User Research, Interaction, Visual design, Prototyping & testing

This research was completed in fulfillment of the Diagraming and Prototyping for UX Course at the University of California, Berkeley. My course mates were my sounding board and critique committee

My Role: Lead Graphic Designer

My Team: 4 Researchers / Writers

My Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign

Duration: 4 Weeks

In collaboration with the leadership of Cincinnati Art Museum, Cohear led a multi-pronged research and engagement effort to bring the wisdom and ideas of the “everyday experts”--people with lived experience--into the strategic planning process.

Through both a robust representative survey of the community, as well as a series of qualitative focus groups with key demographics, we worked to uncover the insights of a diverse group of community members


Lead Graphic Designer

6  Researchers
2 Art Directors

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Photoshop

5 Weeks


Over the past few months, there have been riots and protests against police brutality across the United States. According to data from Mapping Police Violence, more than 1,000 unarmed people died as a result of police harm between 2013 and 2019. In 2020, 28% of those killed by police were Black, despite Black people making up only 13% of the American population.

We believe that having open and honest dialogues with the police about their codes of conduct may be more effective than protesting. However, if such dialogues have been happening and have been productive, we have not been made aware of them. People of color often feel anxious when interacting with the police, as there is substantial data suggesting that they are perceived as a threat by law enforcement.

Read More

My Role:

Research and Product lead
UI Designer

My Team:

4 Field Researchers

My Tools:

Adobe Ilustrator
Adobe XD
Adobe Photoshop

This research was completed at Ohio University in fulfillment ART 5140 - Working with the Publics

Problem Statement

The public have no evidence to support their modes of conduct during police encounters, other than the police body cam footages.

Baltimore has paid out $5.7 million since 2011 to settle 100 lawsuits claiming that police officers carelessly beat up alleged suspects.


Research, empathize, and design a central platform the public will use to provide evidence of their experience during their encounter with police officers in the following areas

1. Health report

2. Audio report

3. Video report



Under the Freedom of Information Act, a case study of Athens County, ranked the safest college town in 2022, was conducted. Here are some statistical data gathered:

- The approximate expenses of Athens police and Ohio University police are $10 million.

- Spending on Athens police is nearly 20 times more than the amount the city spent on housing safety regulations.

- Police spending per capita for the Athens Police Department and Ohio University Police Department is higher than the amount the State of Ohio spends per capita on all campus, village, city, county, and state police forces combined.

- Athens's population is 25,000 during the school year and 15,000 in the summer.


of Athenians are Black, Asian, Native American, and Unknown race


of Athens Police citations or arrests were Black, Asian, Native American or Unknown race


of Athens Police arrests for open container were of Black people or Unknown race


of Athens Police citations or arrests were for non violence or crime (assault, murder, rape, and domestic violence

Qualitative analysis

The research team engaged with 9% of the other Athenians to understand their experiences and collaborate on strategies to enhance the Police Implicit Bias course, instill confidence in law enforcement, and empower community members during interactions with the police.

Sample interviewed Questions

1. When was the last time you encountered a police officer?
Please share your experience.

2. When was the last time you called the police for help? Please share your experience.

3. Police officers are not public enemy, do you feel safe around police officers?

4. Do you agree that the community should have town halls with the police to learn from each other?

5. Do you know how to behave when pulled over by the police?

6. On the scale of one to ten, how anxious are you when pulled over by the police?

7. Would you like to contribute the police implicit bias training course? How will you contribute?


Shared photograph by a community member

"...he handed me his business card, this time with a smile on his face. Call this number. He circled the number and said, ask for Lieutenant Hoskinson. The time spent was about 20 minutes." -D, person of color

Just one Ethan?

•  Ethan Doer deploys force more than any other APD officer,
at more than 7 times/year (Department average is 2.12 per year)

• Sued at least twice for excessive use of force

•  Deploys force against Black folks at 6x the rate of white folks

•  Has the highest arrest rate in APD at an average of 121/year

•  Arrests Black folks at 1.6x  the rate of white folks (department average is 1.46)

•  Deploys his teaser more than any other APD officer (2.49x/year ; department average is 0.2)

•  He has the second highest rate of take downs in the department at 3.3/year (department average is 0.94/year)

Empathize and Define

Persona's Journey Map

Based on the data gathered from the focus group, a persona was created to represent the typical frustrations, goals, and motivations of community members when interacting with the police.

Additionally, a typical journey map was researched to outline the pain points, dangers, and the sense of uneasiness experienced by community members during their interactions with the local law enforcement agencies.

Empathy Map

In the process of visualizing the users' behavior through collaborative analysis, an empathy map was created to dive deep into what the user thinks, feels, says, and does. This activity helped steer the direction of the project goals.

1. Safety at police encounters

2. Easy audio and video record at scenes

3. Provide evidence for police training and justice


Failing Forward

By collaborating with a graphic artist (Solomia Nebesh) and industrial designer (Halen Kean), the concept of a spandex was investigated. Our objective was to create a low-budget accessory with zipper pockets that the user could have their phone in for audio and video recording. After showing and discussing the concept with the focus groups 83% voted out of this direction. The common feedback was a discouragement on the part of an extra fashion accessory.

Second Brainstorming Activity

A study was conducted by the team and three community members to explore ways to align the project goals with a mobile app. A brainstorming activity was carried out to align the state of Athens policing with the key features that the application should address.

Information Architecture

Following extensive discussions and revisions, we developed a comprehensive information architecture to outline the app's functions and supporting activities. This was further expanded to create the user flow chart. The information architecture now serves as the application's vision board, providing a framework for upcoming feature additions.

Design and Prototype

Understanding interfaces through sketches

I took the time to sketch out different interfaces and visualize what each screen could look like using a flow chart. This approach allowed me to experiment more efficiently and identify consistent patterns across the various screens. Through this activity, I gained insight into how users might interact with the application's interface.

Mid-high fidelity mockups

I translated the low-fidelity mockups into digital interfaces using Adobe XD. This activity enabled the team to conduct a more thorough critique of the working progress and identify areas for improvement. We had detailed discussions about button sizes and icon placements.

High fidelity mockup and testing

During user testing, some decisions were asked to be reconsidered. The tap-to-record audio feature and the tap-to-send feature were also redesigned.

Background and Challenges

Flipping through a log book of over 600 photographs to verify student’s identity when the need arise. 

Data integrity and security is threatened in the manual system since records are kept on loose sheets in files.

Changing of rooms which students have already booked for leads to cancellation of student’s detail which does not present neat work in the registration book.

Difficulty in preserving archives of students records as a result of cancellation of particulars of students in situations like completion, withdrawal and in the case of death.

Time consumed in preparing alphabetical lists that are prone to mistakes.

Difficulty in knowing all vacancies in the hall.

Difficulty in updating the records of students because reliable information on students on exchange programs and deferments do not get to the hall authorities in time.

Problem Statement

Hall porters find it tedious and time consuming going through the log book of over 600 photographs to verify the identity of students before issuing keys out. In the current manual system, finding students record and other information is very challenging since the data is kept on paper and easy to loose. Besides that, the manual application results in hassle data management for faster student allocation as well as managing students’ data in order to fast track their activities; outing record and managing visitors.

Project Goals

The main aim of this study is to develop an application to be used by porters to: 
Verify the identity of students before keys are issued out Manage students’ data in the halls of residence.

Design Process

With careful interview with hall administrators and close analysis of the gathered data, mind mapping was used in the brainstorming process to identify and synthesize ideas. New patterns were discovered and grouped to further ideate on. This process served as a rough draft of the system architecture which was built upon in developing the software.

User Flows
(Rapid Prototyping)

User flows (Rapid prototyping) were developed to further iterate upon to clearly understand how the system is to work with regards to the key functionalities of the application. Yes challenging but through collaborative ideas sharing, rapid iteration and failing fast, a comprehensive systematic draft was develop to spell out the step by step processes of activities within the application.

Semester Registration flow


Allocate room/Issue

key Checked-in date is recorded

Has Semester ended? - If NO, repeat process

If YES, was student given a key?

If YES, has student returned key?

If NO, Trace student and collect the key

Key returned is indicated

Check out date is recorded


Student daily key drop flow


Student drops key at porters lodge

Porter picks key and checks the room number

Porter indicates that the key has been returned

Date/Time for returning key is recorded


Student daily key request flow


Student mentions room number.

Porter keys in room number

Porter checks if person belongs to that room - if person does not belongs to the room (go to 8)

Porter checks if key is available - if key is not available (go to 8)

Porter gives the key the occupant of the room

Porter ticks against the person’s name that key has been given to him


System Structure

To clearly visualize and comprehend to the database architecture of the application, an in-depth system flow diagram was created to illustrate the process, relationship and interdependent of the various entities that forms the database architecture.This process was develop from the initial mind map that was further iterated upon.

The most important skill to develop as a designer is file management. Design is functional, and it gives arrangement to disorder. To design is to compose elements and principles into visual aesthetics. However, designers tend to focus on the immediate results than the proper documentation of their design elements and processes.

This research aimed to acquire curatorial skills and improve my file management skills to complement the Visual Arts Management certificate program in the MFA program at Ohio University.
I assigned identification numbers to 3500 drawings of Don Adleta, photographed, and made the drawings accessible through an online purchase.

Drawing the Feminine Form:
Studies interpreting the human form.

"Learning how to draw has taken me a lifetime to refine. This book documents several years of that process. The specific technique incorporated in these drawings has been evolving since 1991 while on a yearlong, professional sabbatical in New Zealand. "
- Don Adleta

Drawing the Masculine Form:
Studies interpreting the human form.

"Visually interpreting or translating the models, their warmth, their thoughts, their center, their space, and even the blood flowing through their bodies is all being channeled through this medium. The medium inspires and even motivates the mark being made. "
- Don Adleta

Graphic design teachers are responsible for teaching visual order in order to be able to use it effectively when translating complex ideas into visual form. This includes understanding not only the form, but the space that surrounds the form. The following research will outline how to effectively communicate the elements within a design as well as how to utilize the given space to optimize the real estate in which the idea resides.

My Role:
Lead Graphic Designer

My Team:
2  Writers

My Tools:
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign

9 Months

As the targets of public health campaigns, community members are in the best position to provide insight into what messaging would be compelling to them and what has, or would, convince them to get the COVID-19 vaccine, vaccinate their children, or receive a booster shot. Franklin County Public Health (FCPH) engaged Cohear to glean these insights from the "everyday experts" themselves: residents of low vaccine-uptake communities in Franklin County.

Who were engaged:
Two focus groups with 24 participants from key Franklin County ZIP codes with low vaccine uptake rates, high social vulnerability, and high COVID-19 case numbers.  

Lead Graphic Designer

6 Researchers
2 Copywriters

Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Adobe Photoshop

5 Weeks

Many people prefer to visit the local Palo Alto farmers market to buy groceries directly from the farmers. However, the market often becomes overcrowded and disorganized, making it difficult for people to locate their desired grocery stands.

Lead Product Designer
User Research, Interaction, Visual design, Prototyping & testing

This research was completed in fulfillment of the Essentials of UX Course at the University of California, Berkeley

3W + H Method
Ecosystem Map
Concept Model

Focus Group
Key Insights

User Journey Map
Empathy Map

UX Visioning
Info Architecture
User flows

Low Fidelity
Mid-High Fidelity

Usability Testing

A project timeline was created to help plan, organize, and track the progress of the project within a one-month and two-week time frame.

Problem Statement

According to Carta Healthcare Survey in 2023, 60% of Americans do not have access to their health data and majority of the working population lacks virtual access to their healthcare providers.


An effective personal digital health portfolio, which should provide virtual access to doctors, easy access to health data, and medical laboratories. This experience will prevent the spread of disease, save time and resources.

3W+H Method

Through the process of asking "Why?", "Where?", "What?", and "How?" and leveraging the Ecosystem map, I gained a more comprehensive understanding of the research position. By delineating the various touchpoints, interactions, and relationships within the ecosystem, I identified opportunities for integration and collaboration. Ultimately, the ecosystem exploration revealed gaps and dependencies, guiding me toward a more thorough research approach.

Card Sorting

After thinking out loud with the 3W+H method and the Ecosystem Map to understand some of the main bridges that ensures a successful doctor to patient relationship, the Card Sorting activity was carried out to gain insight into the mental models of the busy professionals who are struggling to stay on top of their medical needs and draw hypothetical connections. This exercise was instrumental in establishing three primary categories that any possible solutions should seriously consider. Doctors, Health Care Centers, and Patients needs are the main entities to research and design for.

Concept Model

A high-level concept model was created from the data generated from the ecosystem map and the card sorting activity to gain insight into the interconnections and interdependencies of key functional groups, including doctors, patients, and medical labs. This process aimed to clarify intricate concepts and organize information by establishing associations.

Empathize and Define

Qualitative Research

I conducted focus group interview to gain insights from colleagues on how they seek medical assistance. The goal was to gather detailed information about how users interact with their doctors virtually and in real-life situations. This understanding helped identify pain points, preferences, and emotional responses that were not captured in the quantitative data. This part of the research helped bridge the gap between user needs and design decisions, resulting in clear understanding user personas and their pain points.

Sample interviewed Questions

1. When was the last time you visited your primary care physician? Please share your experience.

2. When was the last time you scheduled an appointment for lab tests? We'd love to hear about your experience.

3. What challenges have you encountered when obtaining prescribed medication?

4. What improvements would make managing your medical records easier for you?

5. What difficulties have you faced when seeking medical assistance digitally?

User Personas and User Journey Maps

Two User Personas were created using the qualitative data to reflect the frustrations, goals, and motivations of the target audiences. These personas helped to empathize with the potential users and make informed decisions that meet their specific needs. Ultimately, the user personas improved the effectiveness of design solutions by offering clarity on the key features the app should address.

Empathy Maps

Through a collaborative exercise, an empathy map was derived from the research findings to clearly outline the desires, needs and feeling of the end users which was articulated in the project goals as follows:

Conserve Time
Simply virtual doctors appointments

Easy Consultation
Facilitate easy medical lab appointments

Quick Access to Health Records 


Problem Statement

There's a significant disconnect between the local farmers' market sellers and the Palo Alto residents who enjoy getting fresh produce directly from the farmers on weekends. Although many residents try to visit the market on weekends, they find it frustrating and time-consuming to find what they need.


To avoid the frustrations that come with going to the local farmers' market and struggling to find the exact food items you went for, it would be beneficial to establish direct contact with local farmers. This would enable an exchange of commodities without the frustrations and time wastage.

User Interviews and Interpretation

Focused user research was conducted to identify specific areas for improvement. By combining secondary and primary research, valuable insights were obtained to effectively optimize the user experience.

Interviews were conducted with regular farmers market shoppers to comprehend their shopping habits, challenges, and areas they desired improvements.

"We need the opportunity to support our local businesses. However we desire an intuitive application that would help us browse groceries, place orders and have the items delivered" - Mrs D

User Interview Interpretations

Field research was conducted to understand the shoppers' needs and frustrations. The following questions were asked to understand the users:

1. Apart from weekends, would you like to have fresh groceries delivered on weekdays?

2. How many hours do you spend at the local farmers market?

3. What are your thoughts on buying fresh produce?
4. Do you prefer quality over quantity?

5. Would you prefer online produce shopping?

Card Sorting

Key insights gathered from the interviews were reviewed an categorized under the key running themes and further analyzed to create an empathy map

Empathize and Define

User Persona

I created a persona focused on a young professional living in the city of Palo Alto. To make the persona as realistic as possible, I aimed to align the user's pain points with the needs and demands of individuals in Palo Alto who believes that buying directly from farmers at the farmers market is the sustainable way of eating healthy and supporting local business. Due to the high cost of living in the city, Brooks Dawson strives to be financially responsible with his family's expenses.

Journey Mapping

During the user interviews, a user shared their experience of getting groceries from the farmers market and provided us with feedback on general suggestions. I created a journey map based on Brooks' experience of shopping at the local Palo Alto farmers market. This involved Brooks writing down their family recipe, driving to the market, finding parking, entering the market, finding the items, and finally paying and leaving. This process helped us to clearly understand Brooks' experience, both the positive and negative aspects.

Empathy Mapping

Empathy mapping was used to gain a deeper understanding of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of users. By creating empathy maps, we gained insights into the target audience's needs, desires, motivations, behaviors, and pain points. This research was conducted to help design experiences that would improve user satisfaction with the end product.


Flow Charts and User Flows

Flowcharts and user flows were used to simplify information gathered and used to improve decision-making by providing a clear roadmap of the steps involved for the user to complete their medical requests. This visual aid offered a simple way to understand complex processes by breaking down the task into manageable steps. The collaborative exercise made it easier to identify inefficiencies and improved upon end to interactions in the application.


UX Visioning

A brainstorming activity was conducted to help ideate on the key functionality of the application. A customer journey storyboard was also created to visualize the general shopping experience. The insights gathered were used to develop the user flows

User Flows

The user flows were designed to map out the steps shoppers take to complete their purchase orders. By visualizing these processes, potential obstacles were identified and improved upon to make interactions more efficient. Ultimately, the user flows resulted in more streamlined designs, making it easier for users to complete their tasks and increasing the overall effectiveness of the application.

Design & Prototype

Paper Prototype

Paper prototypes are my essential tools in the design process because they allow for quick and cost-effective testing of ideas. By sketching interfaces and interactions on paper, it became easier to create prototypes and iterate on concepts without the need for software. The paper prototype also facilitated earlier conversations for user feedback on key functionality of the application, allowing real users to interact with the design and provide valuable feedback before digital development began.

High Fidelity Wireframes

I utilized high-fidelity wireframes to enhance the level of detail, which facilitated more precise feedback and reduced misunderstandings among team members regarding the UI strategy and direction. Moreover, the high-fidelity wireframes also facilitated more effective user testing with my colleagues, as they interacted with a design that closely resembled the nearly finished product.

Visual Design

To ensure consistency across the different interfaces , a brand guide was created. It includes a shared library of design elements and a cohesive visual language. This system provides guidelines, components, and standards to reflect the brand identity and improve the overall user experience. I plan to expand the brand guide to design system as the project continues to expand.

Design & Prototype

Low-fidelity wireframes

Low-fidelity wireframes were used to gain quick insight into the functionality of the application without getting lost in the details. This approach allowed me to refine and adjust the designs based on feedback, ensuring that they cater to user needs before advancing to more detailed designs.

High fidelity wireframes

Through high-fidelity wireframes, a detailed and realistic representation of a product’s layout and functionality was visualized from the low-fidelity wireframes. They offered a more polished user experience, which helped gather new insights and feedback for further iteration.

Comprehesive Design and Usability Testing